Covid 19 has had a significant impact on everyone, from the way we work to the way we socialise, we have all had to adapt. The training offering here at Purple House has also had to adapt. To make sure that we are continuing to provide you with relevant, topical and engaging training we have adapted not only how we train but what we train.
Purple House now offers the opportunity for remote training.
You can expect our usual offerings to be delivered using an online platform plus more. Our core courses will continue to be delivered over a 5-6 week period using online forum discussions, access to online reading and visual resources, and coursework completed and submitted online. All of this will be supported by weekly zoom sessions with your course tutor and volunteer learner support.
In addition to our usual core courses we are now offering non-accredited short courses that will offer learners the opportunity to gain an introduction to a particular subject or an opportunity to look at a topic in closer detail. Each of these short courses has been well researched and compiled with learner’s needs in mind. They are designed to be completed over 8 to 10 hours dependent on the course, with learners, once enrolled having access to the course for a minimum of 28 days to complete. Here is what we are currently offering:
- Self-Esteem V Confidence
- What is Feminism?
- Developing Your Cultural Intelligence
- Wellbeing Today
By completing remote training, you will have more control over when and how you complete your learning. This means you can complete your work on an evening after the kids are in bed, or after you’ve gotten home from work. You can work faster or slower, it’s up to you and how you like to learn.
If you would like to find out more details, head over to our training page and have a look. You can book a place using our online booking form. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us using the online form, chat facility or give us a call! Someone will respond as soon as they are available.