
Are you interested in learning something new?

Would you like to take a course in a friendly environment where your children can be looked after in our on-site Nursery?

Preston Road Women’s Centre offers a range of accredited and non-accredited courses.  We are a recognized learning centre for the National Open College Network (NOCN) and our courses generally run over 5 weeks, one day per week.  Crèche facilities are available for some of the courses; please contact the centre for more details.

Alternatively you can fill in our training booking form, where you will be added to a waiting list for the course of your choice.  Courses are delivered term time and alternated frequently.  Our courses are popular, so you may not be invited to attend straight away, please be patient, we promise we will get to you as soon as possible.  Invitations are likely to be issued 2 weeks prior to a course start date.

Click here to go to the booking form

Find below our list of core courses.  These are completed over a 5 to 6 week period and for our online delivery will be supported by online video sessions with your course tutor.

Volunteer Training

You will develop an awareness of women’s issues and learn about confidentiality policies. Upon completion of the course you may become a volunteer at the centre and develop essential skills. This is an accredited module available at Level 2.

Understanding Abusive Relationships (Domestic Violence)

An interesting course which looks at Domestic Violence and Abuse, it covers Power and Control and the reasons/excuses for abuse. This is also an accredited module available at Level 2/3.

Self Development & Confidence

Course Looks at how you treat others and how people treat you, aims to improve your self-worth and self esteem. It also builds up your confidence. Accredited module at Level 2.

Applying for Work and Interview Skills

A course to build confidence to gain employment giving you the tools to look for and apply for work, increasing your chances of gaining employment.  This course is also accredited at Level 2.

Independent Living Skills: Women's Tenancy Course

A course designed to explore the concepts of empowerment and independence, self-sufficiency, your rights as a tenant and community within the context of being a female tenant.

**Below is a list of our shorter one day courses.

Self-Esteem v Confidence

This course takes a closer look at the concepts of Self-Esteem and Confidence and allows learners to explore their definition, how to build them and what impacts negatively on both.  At the end you will have a set of tools that you can draw from to strengthen both.

Wellbeing Today

This course takes a look at the concepts of stress and improving overall wellbeing.  Learners will explore how stress affects the body and why a holistic approach is important.  On finishing the course you will have a host of tools to use to help minimize stress and improve overall wellbeing.

What is Feminism?

In this bite-size course, learners will have an introduction to the concept of Feminism.  Learners will explore the definition and assumptions made about Feminism, the history and the impact.  On finishing the course learners will have a theoretical base knowledge of the subject matter.

Developing Your Cultural Intelligence

In an increasing global community, it is important now more than ever to develop key understanding between different communities.  On this course leaners will explore the concepts of culture and diversity, the impact on the community and the benefits of building your cultural intelligence.

Arts and Crafts (Mondays only)

Our warm and welcoming arts and crafts group currently runs every Monday morning during term time.  Guests will have the opportunity to chat and have tea and coffee whilst engaging in various craft activities.  Minimum donation of £2 per session required.

Please be aware that in keeping with Covid 19 restrictions, if you are positive or showing symptoms please do not attend the centre and call to let us know.


Click here to go to the booking form